Wastewater treatment plant definition
Wastewater treatment plant definition

wastewater treatment plant definition

The operator with responsibility for the overall operation of the facility has successfully completed a course approved by the Director relating to the operation of facilities that meet the criteria in paragraphs 1 to 3. All water supplied or distributed by the facility is received from a water treatment facility that meets the criteria in subsection (2) and, in the opinion of the Director, the quality of the water received from the water treatment facility is excellent.Ĥ. (3) Despite subsection (1), this Regulation does not apply to a water distribution facility that meets the following criteria:ģ. The operator with responsibility for the overall operation of the facility has successfully completed a course approved by the Director relating to the operation of facilities that meet the criteria in paragraphs 1 to 4. In the opinion of the Director, the quality of the facility’s raw water source is excellent.ĥ. The facility does not treat water except for the purpose of disinfection.Ĥ. There is a period of at least one month in every year when the facility does not operate.ģ. The facility’s average daily design flow or average daily flow in the peak month of the year, whichever is greater, is less than 200 cubic metres.Ģ. (2) Despite subsection (1), this Regulation does not apply to a water treatment facility that meets the following criteria:ġ. (ii) other sewage of a kind normally discharged from a residential subdivision, other than storm water, ground water, surface drainage or land drainage.

wastewater treatment plant definition

(i) toilet, sink or culinary liquid waste, or (c) sewage works to which section 53 of the Act applies that are not owned or operated by the Crown or a municipality, if any sewage received by the sewage works is, (b) sewage works to which section 53 of the Act applies that are owned or operated by the Crown or a municipality, if the sewage received by the sewage works is treated and (v) a large non-municipal non-residential system (iv) a non-municipal year-round residential system, or (iii) a large municipal non-residential system, (ii) a small municipal residential system, (i) a large municipal residential system, (a) water works to which subsection 52 (1) of the Act applies “water treatment facility” means the part of a water works that collects, produces or treats water but does not include the part of the water works that supplies or distributes water. “water distribution facility” means the part of a water works that supplies or distributes water but does not include the part of the water works that collects, produces or treats water “wastewater treatment facility” means the part of a sewage works that treats or disposes of sewage but does not include the part of the sewage works that collects or transmits sewage “wastewater collection facility” means the part of a sewage works that collects or transmits sewage but does not include the part of the sewage works that treats or disposes of sewage

wastewater treatment plant definition

“small municipal residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03

#Wastewater treatment plant definition professional

“professional engineer” means a professional engineer as defined in the Professional Engineers Act (c) directs or supervises operators in a facility (b) sets operational parameters for a facility or for a process that controls the effectiveness or efficiency of a facility, or (a) has responsibility for the overall operation of a facility, “operator-in-charge” means an operator who,

wastewater treatment plant definition

“operator” means a person who adjusts, inspects or evaluates a process that controls the effectiveness or efficiency of a facility, and includes a person who adjusts or directs the flow, pressure or quality of the water within a water distribution facility or the wastewater within a wastewater collection facility “non-municipal year-round residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03 “large non-municipal non-residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03 “large municipal residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03 “large municipal non-residential system” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 170/03 (Drinking-Water Systems) “facility” means a wastewater collection facility, a wastewater treatment facility, a water distribution facility or a water treatment facility Note: This Regulation was revoked on August 1, 2004. Loi sur les ressources en eau de l’Ontario

Wastewater treatment plant definition